Free cookie consent management tool by TermsFeed Policy Generator PS12 - Biography Rashida Ferrand | 20th European AIDS Conference

Presentation synopsis:

Co-morbidities in perinatally infected people living with HIV

Increasing numbers of children with HIV who would previously have died in childhood are now reaching adolescence and adulthood thanks to antiretroviral therapy (ART). However, despite ART, children growing up with HIV commonly experience chronic multisystem complications that result in considerable morbidity and increased mortality risk, and it is increasingly apparent that ART alone is insufficient to maintain health and quality of life. Research to understand the pathogenesis of these complications and to develop therapeutic strategies is needed. Looking ahead, HIV programmes will need to focus not only on ART delivery but addressing these complications to ensure optimum health outcomes.

Speaker biography:

Rashida Ferrand, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom

Rashida is a clinical epidemiologist and a Professor of International Health at LSHTM and has been working in Southern Africa for two decades. She works on strategies to strengthen the HIV care cascade and on the chronic long-term complications of HIV infection in children and adolescents.


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