Free cookie consent management tool by TermsFeed Policy Generator PS5 - Biography Robert Hejzak | 20th European AIDS Conference

Presentation synopsis:

Long-term PrEP: Perspective from the community

Almost a decade after its initial approval pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) uptake remains low. Although many European countries have not yet established standardized PrEP delivery and monitoring mechanisms, the community activists already acknowledge challenges linked to long-term PrEP use. Concerns about increase in sexual risk behaviour with PrEP use in the wake of a growing epidemic of sexually transmitted infections, and fear of drug resistance have been expressed. Will treatment fatigue experienced by patients on long-term HIV treatment be also seen among PrEP users? How to maintain motivation in adhering to PrEP use? How to further simplify PrEP delivery without compromising clinical outcomes? These are some of the issues that will be discussed in this session on community perspective on long-term PrEP.

Speaker biography:

Robert Hejzak, European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) / Czech AIDS Help Association, Czech Republic

A Board Chairman of Czech patient organization Czech AIDS Help and a member of European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG), Robert has been involved in patient movement for over ten years. He takes a particular interest in combination HIV prevention, advocating for access to PrEP and other evidence based interventions.


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